How to lose 5 kg in a week - Do it and lose weight

A slim girl lost 5 kg in a week

Effective weight loss method 5kg in 7 days from a fitness trainer and nutritionist. Calorie deficiency, nutrition tips, popular diets. Fat burning workouts and those who are forbidden to lose weight.

Fitness trainers and nutritionists, explaining how to lose 5 kg per week (fat, not water) and not harm the body, advise you to ignore the advertising promises "Effective new diet" and "miracle product"That immediately burns fat.

All really effective methods for rapid weight loss have long been studied by all specialists. The choice of the appropriate option depends on the initial data - the percentage of excess fat mass, its structure and the time period of weight loss. The less editing time, the tighter the rules.

Lose weight fast 5 kg in a week- the mission is practical, the key to the success of such an event is the choice of a low calorie but comfortable diet that is not difficult to adhere to, as well as regular exercise to burn the obnoxious fatstorage.

The first thing to do to lose 5 kg in a week

It is necessary to choose a reasonable diet or eat a reasonable diet. All foods containing sugar should be excluded from the diet, including those that use sugar as a preservative. You should also give up fast food, soda, and alcohol. We will have to eliminate fatty foods, cold foods, spicy and salty foods, smoked meats and canned foods.

Counting the number of calories needed to burn in 7 days to lose 5 kg is the best according to the definition of Max Vishnovsky.

Max Wishnofsky calculated in 1958 that 1 pound of fat in the human body provides 3500 kcal of energy. Therefore, to lose 1 kg of weight, you need to spend or receive less than 7 716 kcal, or 5 kg per week - this is 38 580 kcal.

Divide 38580: 7 = 6500 kcal per day burned. The basic metabolism, which ensures the body's vital activity, will consume 2000 kcal, so it's left: 6500 - 2000 = 4500 kcal.

It's impossible to expend that much energy in 1 day, but diet and exercise will help you get closer to this result.

The real way to lose 5 kg in a few days is with a combination of cardio and intense strength training. The former will help burn stored fat, and the latter will help reduce muscle formation. In addition, you need to walk more often in the fresh air, walk, climb stairs without using the elevator.

You should immediately accept that you will need to take care of yourself and make time for this, as well as for a second job.

It is known that a person can get rid of 1. 5-2 kg of fat in a week. But how to lose weight fast? Of the 5 kg lost in a week, the maximum possible amount of fat is 1. 5 kg, the remaining 3. 5 kg by weight is excess fluid saturated with adipose tissue. Elimination of edema reduces volume and the person becomes slimmer.

Effective ways to really lose 5 kg in 7 days

The main advice that nutritionists give for successful weight loss is to use a calorie deficit.

Energy expenditure is reduced to physiological levels and increased exercise is an important condition for weight loss of 5 kg per week without dieting.

Method 1. Proper nutrition - balanced diet

Avoid sweets and fruits to lose 5 kg per week

Instead of foods rich in calories and easy to digest, you should give preference to foods rich in fiber - vegetables, legumes. It's best to completely avoid meals prepared with saturated animal fats.

Leave only healthy vegetable fats in the diet, as well as a small amountnutrientsFound in lean meats, fish, dairy products, eggs, and seafood.

In order to lose 5 kg in a week, and at the same time without harming the body, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates to 300-350 g per day, the main part of which should be complex carbohydrates, digested slowly invegetables and fruits, cereals (buckwheat and oats), durum pasta, whole grain breads.

The amount of protein obtained from white meat of chicken, turkey, fish, low-fat cheese, milk and cheese, other fermented dairy products, as well as nuts and soy milk should be 90-100 g, onea third of which must be obtained from animal products. It should be noted that the nutritional content and weight of the product are not the same.

100 g of chicken breast contains only 23. 6 g of protein, and 100 ml of milk contains 2. 8 g.

Method 2. Reduce Calories

Reduce your daily calorie intake by300-500 kcal. . . In this case, you do not need to eat high-calorie foods, but little by little and more often, up to 4-5 times a day. Hot dogs and deli, canned food, baked goods, sweets, and chips should not be on the table.

Method 3. Don't Skip Breakfast!

Speed up your metabolism! To do this, you cannot skip breakfast in the morning. After waking up, you need to drink a glass of water mixed with a few drops of lemon, wait 45 minutes and then have breakfast.

Morning food stimulates metabolism throughout the day better than other methods.

Method 4. Drink clean water!

Quench your thirst with a few sips of water more often! After waking up, a glass of water provides moisture will help the digestive organs prepare for active work.

A glass of water before each meal will quench your thirst, preventing it from being confused with hunger, so satiety will come sooner. In addition, water will remove fat breakdown products from the body and restore the skin that often sags with rapid weight loss.

Method 5. Burn fat through exercise!

Regular physical activity - morning exercise and day walks in the fresh air, strength and endurance training, outdoor games with children and swimming - any sport iswill help you actively burn calories.

You can quickly lose weight for both men and women using interval training. Add 20-30 minute sessions 3-4 times a week. Aerobic exercise stimulates blood circulation, increases speedpyrolysis- the breakdown of fat and energy - serves to tighten weakened muscles.

Method to lose 5 kg quickly and dangerously in 7 days

In addition to safe, expertly approved weight loss methods, and "instantly»- efficiency limitations give temporary results.

With their help, you can lose 5 kg or more in a week, but as soon as your food and lifestyle habits improve, the weight will return and take the extra kilos with you:

Option 1. Refuse snacks

Eating well throughout the day includes eating healthy snacks so you don't build up feelings of hunger. But if you need to lose weight quickly in just a few days, "fishing" will hinder the weight loss process, increase your daily calorie intake or disrupt your appetite.

Option 2. Layered fasting

To quickly get rid of excess pounds, you need to promptly burn glycogen - the body's energy reserve, which is produced by the liver from carbohydrates.

Fasting helps the body use the process of breaking down heat -burn fat- for energy instead of glycogen storage. In addition, this method removes a large amount of excess fluid from the tissues, reducing the volume of the body.

One of the simplest intermittent fasting techniques is to skip eating for 16 hours. You can start the process from 7pm and continue until 11am. During this phase, the body will use up all its glycogen stores.

Option 3. Two meals a day

Reduce your calorie intake by eating two meals a day.

If you combine intermittent fasting with this fast weight loss method, the morning will be 11 o'clock, and the evening can be scheduled for 18 - 19 o'clock.

Option 4. One meal per day

Some people use an even more effective one-week weight loss method - eating healthy food for lunch - once a day.

Such a plan is difficult to use not only physically, but also mentally. In addition, it also helps slow down the metabolism, which will later make your weight increase dizzy.

Normally, this method can only be used in the hot summer, when you do not feel like eating naturally, but this method only applies to small regions of the country.

Option 5. Lazy weight loss

This method is suitable for women who like aesthetics to help lose weight quickly. This could be:

  • Vacuum massage or press therapy;
  • Microcurrent therapy;
  • Anti-cancer massage;
  • Endermolift, a combination of vibration and vacuum massage;
  • Intralipotherapy - liposuction in a non-surgical way, by introducing drugs into the body that absorb fat accumulated in problem areas.

These procedures were developed by doctors to help bedridden patients, so it is unrealistic to expect to lose a few pounds in a week with their help. Nourishing compresses and massages are also not particularly effective for rapid weight loss, but they help improve the condition of the skin. ButDietmust be observed without fail, since excess calories will prevent body shaping.

Diet to get rid of 5 kilos in a week

The girl got the perfect body in a week thanks to diet food

You can get back to your ideal body in a week with the support of a proper diet, adequate hydration from the water you drink and optimal physical activity.

When choosing the right diet, you need to consider their type. They are conventionally divided into:

  • Simple dietwhen there is a product in the diet. It can be kefir, apple, buckwheat porridge. Despite the quick results of losing extra pounds, not every girl can withstand a seven-day marathon on one product.. . .In addition, these restricted eating patterns can be harmful to the body;

  • Diet, the calories of which do not exceed 900-1000 kcal per day. Fat in this case is burned the fastest, but when you return to a healthier diet, body weight rapidly increases, restoring fat reserves;

  • Protein Diet. . . This is the type of food that is considered the most effective when you want to lose 5 kg in 1 week. It bans harmful products containing simple carbohydrates - sugar, baked goods, confectionery. On a protein diet, healthy slow carbohydrates are also limited - grains, pasta, vegetables, and fruits.

    At this time, they eat low-fat cheese, white poultry, river fish and egg whites. This real diet has its advantages - quick pipelines and long-lasting results, reduced risk of muscle breakdown.

    Among the small points of protein diets, which doctors call bad breath, can appear constipation due to a lack of moisture in the body and an increased load on the kidneys.

Water balance must be maintained by drinking 1. 5-2 liters of clean water per day. Calculate the correct volume by body weight by multiplying 1 kg by 30 ml. Liquid meals and other beverages are not included in this quantity. The only alternative is unsweetened green tea, which can partially replace water.

From the list of the most popular crash diets that allow you to lose 2-5 kg in 7 days, positive reviews show:

Kefir diet for weight loss

Thistough dietallows you to drink 1-1. 5 liters of fermented milk drink with 1. 5% fat per day.

Products must be natural, without sweeteners, flavors or preservatives. Yogurt or kefir taken during a fasting day, in 3 days you can lose 2. 5-3 kg of excess weight.

If you maintain the kefir diet for up to 5-7 days, then you need to compensate for the loss of animal protein with boiled lean meat, and the lack of carbohydrates - with apples or citrus fruits.

The fermented milk diet dehydrates the body, so its results are high - 5 kg in 5 days.

It is difficult to combine such nutrition with intense physical activity, so fat is burned slowly.

Buckwheat diet

In the evening, 1, 5-2 glasses of buckwheat filling are poured into the thermos, 3-4 glasses of boiling water are poured and pressed overnight (8-10 hours). In the morning, divide porridge into several meals during the day.

From the 4th day of the single diet, you need to supplement your diet with one apple per day. After 5 days of the buckwheat diet, you should add kefir to the menu - 1 liter for the rest of the days, 1-1, 5 cups per day.

Steamed buckwheat without oil and salt, even when combined with kefir and vegetables, does not exceed 900-950 kcal per day. Such a strict diet makes it possible to lose 1 kg per day, but the results will be extremely difficult to consolidate.

Apple or cucumber

The whole week is allowed to eat 1-1. 5 kg of apples or 1. 5-2 kg of cucumbers. In addition, you need to drink 1-1. 5 liters of clean water.

Cucumber contains 90-95% moisture and fiber, which helps to satisfy hunger and stimulate the digestive tract. They are also a natural diuretic that helps reduce puffiness and remove stagnant fluid in tissues.

Apples are notorious for their negative calorie content - more energy goes into their digestion than this amazing fruit gives. During the day you can eat some fresh apples, and in the evening - bake them without adding sugar. Alternatively, you can drink water and unsweetened green tea.

The result of such a diet is 5 kg per week due to the low calorie content of the daily diet and the elimination of excess fluid.

Only non-working people can adhere to such extreme diets. Eating less than 900-1000 kcal per day puts a strain on the body, an extreme measure when you urgently need to lose weight without taking into account the harm to the body.

Is it possible to lose 5 kg without dieting?

You can keep your figure without harsh methods, according to the recommendations of nutritionists:

  1. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Lack of adequate rest often leads to overeating and being overweight.
  2. Drink 1. 5-3 liters of water per day. For 1 kg of body weight, according to WHO, at least 30 ml of water is required per day.
  3. Eat healthy food regularly, 5-6 times a day. Stand up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
  4. Try to achieve the right amount of calories for your ideal body weight. And after reaching the desired number, persistently pursue it.
  5. Be sensitive to your body, lead an active lifestyle, include yoga and breathing exercises, physical education and outdoor games in your daily routine.
  6. Visit a masseuse and esthetician, use a contrast shower and bath routine.

These recommendations must be combined. A healthy lifestyle will help you lose 5 extra pounds and get back to normal without dieting.

Features of weight loss 5 kg for teenagers

A growing body should not be severely restricted in its diet. To lose 5 kg of excess weight for a teenager, you must:

  • The first step is to remove harmful products from the diet - fast food and semi-finished products (dumplings, cookies and others), which contain the maximum amount of fat; confectionery - cakes, pastries, sweets, cakes. Replace white bread with a small slice of rye;
  • Every day in the diet of a teenager should give preference: raw vegetables and fruits, soups in vegetable broth. The meat dish is made from lean types, the main broth is drained, only the side broth is used. Fried, salted, smoked foods should be excluded;
  • Should reduce the food portion to normal, eat more often but little by little;
  • And the last thing - physical inactivity and weight loss are incompatible with each other. It is necessary to increase physical activity. Swimming, dancing, outdoor games can diversify a teen's workout.

If the weight does not decrease after following the recommendations and the teenager is obese, then you need to consult an endocrinologist.

Top exercises to lose weight fast at home

Many people think of how to lose 5 kg fast in a week, so they immediately start pumping the abdominal muscles in the most usual way. But according to research, curling is not the exercise that burns the most fat.

And one exercise will not help much, there is another method for this - interval training or circuit training.

This super effective cyclical workout gets your heart rate up, burning the energy in your muscles at full speed. Circuit training is not about building muscle, but about losing weight quickly and easily. In an hour, such a load allows you to burn about 300 kcal!

Fat burning training

These exercises can be done at home without special equipment. The key is to do a set of exercises in a row, one after the other, without stopping at rest. For example, you have 4 exercises:

  • Burpees;
  • Promote;
  • Lung;
  • Twist pull.

You do them without rest for 10-15 repetitions and only then rest for a minute and a half and start the circle again.

For beginners, you can start at a pace of 15-20 reps, for those with the best level of practice, a speed of 30 reps is appropriate.

The shorter the pause time, the higher the efficiency. You can not rest for a long time, because the whole result will drop to zero. The more active you are, the more fat you burn.

Workout in circles with medium loads

These exercises create a moderate heart rate, helping to actively burn calories. From aerobic exercise we choose: brisk walking on a lightly inclined surface (you can replace it with ladders or steps in place, for example, standing on a stack of books), squats and asterisks (jump rope).

This exercise should be done in 3-5 circles.

If you find it easy, you can do two circles in a row. But in reality, most beginners rarely master the first circle, even though it seems so simple.

When preparing a plan to lose 5 kg in a week at home, turn on a balanced diet with completenutrients, drink enough water to eliminate toxins - products of pyrolysis and other reactions of the body, and increase the intensity of circuit training.

Cyclic workouts are not compatible with strict diets! Inadequate nutrition can cause significant harm to the body when using fat burning exercises.

Who can't lose weight 5 kg per week

It is contraindicated for rapid weight loss:

  1. Children and older children who need a complete and balanced diet. In children and adolescents, nutritional deficiencies can cause nervous tension and stress, as well as negatively affect a child's development.
  2. Pregnant and lactating women. Rigid diets can delay fetal growth and adversely affect the baby's nutrition.
  3. Women in menopause. Six months after the onset of menopause, weight is usually stable.
  4. To the elderly. In adulthood, adequate nutrition is necessary, as various restrictions can expose the body to stress and weaken immunity.
  5. Digestive tract problems - gastritis, stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcers, liver and pancreas diseases.
  6. With diabetes.
  7. With kidney failure.
  8. With endocrine diseases - problems with the thyroid gland.

Advice and motivation

If at the beginning of weight loss the desire for change is great, then the results obtained every day become more and more important. The number of pounds lost will vary depending on the data at the start.

The percentage of body fat is higher than normal, because the higher this number, the more kilograms you can lose.

Adipose tissue structure - loose, sponge-like lipid tissue that retains moisture and then loses it in the first place. With this case, in a week, you can easily lose from 5 to 8 kg. The tough, tough fat is more difficult to remove, so the weight loss results will be more modest.

In trained individuals, the weight loss effect may be lower than in women with loose adipose tissue.

After achieving a result of 5 kg per week, you cannot stop and go back to your normal diet - this will lead to bulimia, i. e. overeating. This is what nutritionists call a disruption in eating behavior.

The wrong, too strict dietary choice serves as the cause of such a pathology. So, when quitting any restrictive diet, you need to stick to the principles of healthy dietary choices.

In the process, you may encounter psychological difficulties, but just imagine how your life will change! ! !

You will be able to wear a beautiful dress, you will look lighter and slimmer. You will feel lighter and easier! Your life is full, take a break and take care of yourself, that's great!

Nutritionists recommend that you do not follow strict diets or rigid diets. The body, sensing danger, switches to a frugal mode of living. This is manifested by the appearance of weakness, dizziness and other negative symptoms. The result is poor health, reduced motor activity leading to termination of pyrolysis.

Nutrient deficiencies caused by the diet cause the body to break down muscle tissue. When a person goes back to their usual diet, instead of recovering lost muscle, the body accumulates fat!

If you practice the pendulum - a high-calorie diet - over time, the ratio of body fat to muscle mass will increase. The accumulation of stored fat over the years makes weight loss more difficult.

Today's widely advertised slimming drugs havetemporary effect. . . Weight loss drugs suppress appetite for a short time or have a diuretic - mild diuretic effect. They may cause slight weight loss and decrease in body volume, but the body quickly gets used to them and the effects disappear or the weight returns once you stop taking them.

Such drugs have negative side effects - they increase blood pressure, increase the load on the heart, blood vessels, cause a risk of stroke and problems with the thyroid gland.

Patches, clips, diuretics and laxatives, stimulating gastric emptying have a significant weight loss effect on the body. The best way to lose weight has always been sensible calorie restriction and physical activity.


When choosing to lose 5 pounds a week, you're better off focusing on a combination of a healthy, low-calorie diet and physical activity that allows you to actively burn fat.

The desire to get quick results can play a cruel joke with weight loss - as soon as the starvation phase ends, the body will urgently increase the lost weight, adding another 2-3 kg. It is real to have a slim body while maintaining good health. You just need to follow reasonable recommendations.