Diet for gout: a sample menu and rules

food for gout

The diet of any person necessarily includes products that contain trace elements and vitamins useful to the body. They make us beautiful and healthy. If the diet choice is incorrect and consists mainly of fatty and heavy foods, then the metabolism can be easily disrupted. As a result, excess uric acid builds up in the body. Most men often have this problem. Too much salt can lead to arthritis, known as "gout". In this review we will discuss the main features of this disease. We will also talk about what is a standard diet for gout.

Description of the disease

foot pain with gout

Let's look at this in more detail. Gout is a chronic joint disease. It is often accompanied by severe pain and other unpleasant symptoms. The patient's quality of life can be significantly impaired due to limited mobility. Therefore, the treatment of gout is urgent. You can get over the disease without inpatient treatment. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Diet for gout and high uric acid is extremely important. The diet must be followed not only during exacerbations, but also during remission. Try to track your diet every day. Good nutrition for gout patients is to ensure health and reduce the likelihood of an exacerbation.

The main cause of the disease is a metabolic disorder. Diet for gout and high uric acid is very important for effective treatment of the disease. The cause of the disease is the deposition of salt in the joints. The diet should be designed to reduce the amount of uric acid in the blood, as the kidneys cannot process it.

How to build a proper diet for gout?

foods with vitamins for gout

To easily overcome the disease at home, you must definitely follow a diet. It is an integral part of therapy. The gout diet is the mainstay of treatment and prevention of exacerbations. To come up with a suitable diet, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the presence of any diseases. The main goal of therapy is to reduce uric acid levels in the blood.

What foods can you eat when you have this disease?

Today many people are interested in a gout diet. What can you eat? Foods included in the diet should not contain purines, which are converted into uric acid during digestion. The reality is that there are so many varieties on store shelves these days that it shouldn't be difficult to find them.

The gout and high uric acid diet is the same as the vegetarian diet. It includes a variety of vegetables and fruits. The recipe for gout medicine doesn't have to be too heavy. The main thing is to cook them correctly. The selection of ingredients for cooking needs to strictly follow the list of allowed foods.

What should not eat?

To quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease, you must adhere to the principles of nutritional therapy. A special diet for gout is best. What should not eat with this disease? Eating spicy and fatty foods can cause a relapse. Coffee also contains a lot of purines. For this reason, this drink should be excluded from the diet. Wine and grape-based beverages also increase uric acid levels.

It is important that you stick to your daily diet. Do not think that a reasonable diet for gout patients does not require the use of delicious foods. Food can be quite varied. Diet for gout does not require strict restrictions and at the same time contributes to a healthy lifestyle.

Prohibited food

Prohibited foods for severe gout

In the case of gout, baked goods, smoked and undercooked meats, hot dogs, sausages, fatty pork, offal and canned foods should be excluded from the diet. You can eat fish, except fatty, smoked or salted seafood. Only spicy cheeses with dairy ingredients are prohibited. Lentils, mushrooms, beans, sorrel and soybeans should be excluded from the list of foods to consume. As for fruits and berries, you should stop eating raspberries, figs, and grapes. Cakes and pastries should also be eliminated from the diet. Regarding drinks, in addition to alcohol, it is necessary to limit drinking tea, coffee, and cocoa. Although they do not contain purines, they still have a strong diuretic effect and can lead to dehydration. Be careful when using spices like pepper, horseradish, and mustard.

Here are some rough guidelines for a gout diet. The menu for this disease can be said to be quite diverse and rich.

Do tomatoes have medicinal uses?

This product is causing a lot of controversy among doctors. This vegetable contains purines, but it is often found in the diet of gout patients. The fact is that in tomatoes there is a very small amount of oxalic acid, so it does not affect the patient's condition. You can and should eat them. Tomatoes contain a large amount of beneficial organic substances and minerals. They help maintain immunity. In addition, tomatoes also contain phytoncides and antioxidants, which help eliminate the inflammatory process in gout.

So tomatoes can be consumed in any quantity. It is best to eat them after heat treatment, with a little vegetable oil. So the beneficial qualities of this product will be fully demonstrated.

Food to reduce

Food pyramid for gout

There are some ingredients that are not prohibited for gout, but are best eaten in moderation.


  • plum;
  • turnip;
  • radish;
  • cauliflower;
  • asparagus;
  • celery;
  • spring onion;
  • parsley;
  • honey.

As you can see for yourself, many foods are undesirable for gout. However, the diet can be quite varied. It should be noted that gout is a chronic disease. It can bother the patient for the rest of his life. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to a constant diet. Even a cup of coffee can provoke an attack.

What can be done about the disease under discussion?

Gout cure vegetables

Gout is a complex disease that requires strict adherence to basic nutritional principles. To compose a suitable diet, it is imperative to know what ingredients are allowed to be consumed.

Here is a sample list of foods to eat with the #6 diet:

  1. Uncomfortable pastries, black and white bread.
  2. Rabbit, turkey, chicken. It is used 2-3 times a week, not more than 170 grams.
  3. Lean fish, shrimp, squid. Diet 6 for gout involves the use of these foods in boiled form.
  4. Kefir, low-fat milk, yogurt, sour cream, eggs, cheese. If you are using milk for cooking, it should be diluted. It is not recommended to use butter.
  5. Any grains, but not legumes. They contain a large amount of uric acid, so if you have gout, they should be excluded from the diet.
  6. Beets, onions, corn, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, tomatoes, pumpkins. It is also recommended to eat garlic for gout. It helps to treat inflammatory processes. Vegetables can be used for fasting days. Cucumbers and potatoes contain potassium. These foods promote the elimination of uric acid from the body.
  7. Tangerines, oranges, apples, persimmons, dried fruit (everything but raisins), lemons, apricots, strawberries, pears. Try to eat fruit in moderation. Meals should be varied and nutritious.
  8. Orange jam, marshmallows, jam, marshmallows, ice cream, non-chocolate sweets.
  9. Vegetable oil. With gout, only animal fats should be excluded from the diet because they are very poorly absorbed by the body.
  10. Green tea, fruit or berry, with lemon, juice, herbal tea, fruit drink, preparation, alkaline mineral water, rosehip and chicory broth.
  11. Bay leaves, citric acid, cinnamon, vanillin.
  12. Pine nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios. For gout, it is very important to eat all nuts, except peanuts, as they are also rich in purines.

Fish oil and healing kombucha

So what do you need to know about this? It has long been known that fish oil is rich in vitamins and nutrients. This product contains most of the minerals needed by the human body. Today fish oil can be easily purchased in capsule form. It contains polyunsaturated acids that have anti-inflammatory effects. For this reason, with gout, it is imperative to take fish oil.

On the other hand, Kombucha is not recommended as it increases digestive activity. It also contains oxalic acid and yeast ingredients. In addition, kombucha contains a lot of carbohydrates, which is also undesirable.

Sample menu

juice and vegetable salad for gout

How to compose it correctly? The diet for gout and high uric acid has a rather interesting structure. It is better that the attending physician prescribes the diet. He will be able to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

How should you eat if you have high uric acid (gout)? The diet should include liquid and semi-liquid meals containing ingredients from the list above. The patient's diet being reviewed is based on vegetable soups, salads, stewed fruit and alkaline mineral water. Meals must be divided into several meals. Feeding should be taken at least five times a day. Patients should drink about two liters of water per day. The diet also provides for fasting days.

The gout diet includes a large number of vegetarian options. Be sure to take into account the presence of concomitant diseases. So, for example, with diabetes from the diet, it is necessary to exclude starches and sugars. Honey is also not recommended for consumption.

With gout, rapid weight loss can only harm your body. Try to choose a diet that does not lose weight too quickly. The diet should not involve complete starvation. The patient's condition in this case may deteriorate severely.


knee pain with gout

Gout is an extremely uncomfortable condition caused by a significant accumulation of salt in the joints. The main rule of the menu is to reduce salt intake. In this case, the amount of liquid should be increased. This will allow uric acid to be eliminated from the body more quickly. A gout diet can help ease symptoms and reduce the likelihood of a relapse. However, for it to work, it must be followed continuously. Always keep an eye on your health, because even a lot of money can't buy it.