Smoothies to lose weight and detoxify the body at home

Weight loss smoothies are low in calories and provide nutrients to the body. The drink creates a feeling of fullness, so it is suitable to use it as part of a diet. Externally, the smoothie resembles a thick mass with a multi-component composition based on plant raw materials.

Smoothie - what is it?

This is a thick drink that uses fruits, vegetables, and juices as a base. Smoothies are used to adjust diet and normalize weight, so they are very suitable for detoxifying the body. The main benefits of dietary supplements:

Smoothies are healthy drinks that help you lose weight.
  • Easy to do, doesn't take much time, easy to do at home.
  • Mainly composed of inexpensive herbal ingredients.
  • You can drink it every day without restrictions.
  • Contains no harmful food ingredients.
  • Suitable for blender or mixer.
  • Mashed vegetables and fruit juices are better absorbed.
  • The composition contains useful vitamins and trace elements.
  • The digestive activity of the stomach and intestines is normalized thanks to the large amount of fiber in the preparation.
  • A large number of recipes, making the diet diverse.
  • Satisfy hunger, reduce cravings for sweets.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes.
  • Helps remove toxins from the body.

Cocktails are consumed at any time of the day and are ideal for replacing a high-calorie dinner. With the use of the drink, weight loss becomes easier.

Who shouldn't drink smoothies to lose weight?

Despite the drink's large list of beneficial properties, there are good reasons why you shouldn't get too carried away with it.

Drinking vitamins is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of chronic or acute renal failure;
  • hepatitis, various liver diseases;
  • Pregnancy period;
  • Breastfeeding;
  • neurotic or obsessive states related to eating disorders - history of bulimia, anorexia or orthorexia;
  • tendency to food allergies, especially hypersensitivity to fruit combinations;
  • lactose and dairy products intolerance.

During pregnancy, you can only drink smoothies with your doctor's permission and carefully choose the ingredients. It is forbidden to mix fruit with milk or honey so as not to cause stress to the digestive tract. When choosing optimal ingredients, the drink will only benefit the expectant mother.

How to make green smoothie

Plant-based beverages are popular among people who follow raw food and vegetarian diets. Green ingredients are used as a base - tea leaves, rooibos or mint buds. Usually, herbal juices, broccoli, dill, parsley or vegetable mixtures of cucumbers, green peppers or apples are used as a base.

The most useful ingredient is seaweed, rich in calcium, iodine, zinc and essential trace elements. The vitamins contained in them prevent the occurrence of oxidative stress and fight free radicals. Vegetable ingredients are combined with fruits, giving the drink a delicious taste.

Juice, water and milk are used as liquids. An example of a classic combination: spinach, banana, ice, milk and blueberries.

It is important to adjust the proportions individually to ensure a moderate thickness of the product. The increased thickness is a deviation from the formula.

The calculation of the amount of ingredients depends on the following proportions: 200 ml of base milk, 20 g of each herb, fruit or berry. This mixture forms a smoothie.

Diet smoothie recipe

The simplest drinks suitable for daily consumption are prepared using a blender. They can be used as a supplement to the main diet or for breakfast or dinner instead of a regular serving.

The simplest option is to mix a glass of low-fat yogurt with a cucumber in a blender without adding any additional ingredients. The delicious flavor comes from a mixture of one banana, 100 ml of almond milk and a cup of lettuce.

You can make a healthy green smoothie using spinach and apples.

The diet will be more easily tolerated if you prepare a smoothie that includes a banana, a cup of salad and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Bananas are the best source of easily digestible carbohydrates that help satisfy hunger quickly. Orange juice contains antioxidants and a natural fat burner based on synephrine. Lettuce leaves contain a lot of fiber that is difficult to digest.

Other healthy drink options:

  1. The best way to recharge in the morning is to eat a delicious and healthy breakfast. You need to mix 100 grams of white seedless grapes, lettuce and a glass of natural orange juice.
  2. The second option is to mix grapes with a banana and a glass of yogurt without sweeteners. This is a hearty dish that helps satisfy intense hunger.
  3. A more complex variation: a mixture of grapes, bananas, lettuce and fresh orange juice.
  4. Spicy ingredients: fresh peaches, lettuce or spinach, orange juice.
  5. Weight loss smoothie: one apple, one cup of celery stalks. The mixture is stirred into a puree and 50 ml of water is added to give a larger volume.
  6. Non-standard options: one carrot, one cup of celery stalks, 100 g of low-fat yogurt, one banana. It must be thoroughly mashed and can be eaten for breakfast or dinner.

To choose the optimal fat-burning menu with healthy cocktails, you should consult a nutritionist.

Use smoothies to purify your body

Detox is a modern trend in diets, allowing you not only to lose weight, but also cleanse the body of harmful substances accumulated during the abuse of junk food. As nutritionists have confirmed, with the help of detoxification you can improve the functioning of the digestive system, improve skin condition, get rid of acne and slow down the aging process. .

It is best to have the treatment done every six months. Detoxification time is 2-4 weeks, no more. The rule is to consume smoothies in the diet 8 times a day, every 1. 5-2 hours.

Before starting detox therapy, you should normalize your daily diet for 1-2 weeks. You should give up alcohol, fats, fried foods, fast food, stop abusing caffeine, start an active lifestyle and stop smoking. With uniform preparation, the body will usually accept the detoxification therapy. If you start a drastic diet plan, your health will deteriorate significantly and the person will not be able to endure the detox period.

At first, a person losing weight is tormented by hunger, but within a week his body adapts and the diet is tolerated normally. Choosing appropriate and varied cocktails is important so that the detox diet does not get boring and provides a refreshing feeling while purifying the body from toxins. You need to get rid of such a cleansing diet gradually.

Examples of detox drinks

400 g water spinach mixed with 400 ml boiled or filtered water. Then add 3 medium bananas, lemon or lime juice. This is a hearty mixture that should be divided into 3-4 servings. The main thing during detox is the frequency of drinking cocktails in small portions. This helps speed up metabolism and begins the active work of the digestive tract.

In a blender, blend 2 medium-sized bananas, half a cup of fresh blueberries, the juice of 2-3 lemon slices, 3 celery stalks and 100 ml of water. Celery contains a large amount of fiber, which helps clean the intestines. Blueberries are a source of lutein, a natural ingredient that supports vision. Wild berries also have antioxidant properties.

Smoothie recipes for blenders use any fruits and vegetables.

The combination of celery, lettuce, lemon and banana is rich in antioxidants, which help actively prevent the spread of free radicals in the body. 2 stalks of celery mixed with a large handful of spinach leaves, 100 ml of water, a banana and the juice of half a lemon. Celery, in addition to its cleansing properties, also has a natural fat-burning function. Among plant ingredients, only citrus fruits can boast of this effect.

The combination of bananas, spinach, apples and lemons will help replenish energy and maintain vitality. Bananas are filling and contain a moderate amount of carbohydrates. The greens are mixed in a blender with two small bananas, one apple, lemon juice and 100 ml of water. It is required to be used in 3 doses.

A multi-ingredient composition that does not leave anyone indifferent because the taste is truly unusual.

The combination of lettuce, fresh cucumbers, lemon and honey will help you not only feel full, but also enjoy the unusual taste. Fresh cucumbers have good detoxifying properties and lettuce is rich in alpha-tocopherol, the main antioxidant vitamin. In a blender, beat a bunch of lettuce, a small peeled cucumber, lemon juice, a spoonful of honey and 200 ml of water. The mixture is taken orally in 2-3 doses.

In a blender, combine peeled medium carrots, one beetroot, a bunch of celery, one medium unpeeled cucumber, 2 fresh apples, a handful of ginger and parsley. The drink has a slightly sweet taste with a spicy aftertaste. Beets have pronounced cleansing properties that help speed up intestinal activity.

Weight loss smoothies are a great way to lose extra pounds, get rid of eye bags and normalize blood sugar levels. There are a large number of variations in the preparation of dietary drink recipes. You should consult a nutritionist about choosing optimal ingredients.